Tuesday, August 23, 2011

PENTAS SENI MTs. KANJENG SEPUH SIDAYU - Telling Story - Missing Puppets

Missing Puppets

  Kim and Sandra were doing their homework from school. They had to make a cloth puppet and a paper house.
  At noon, Kim and Sandra left their room to have lunch in the dining room. While they were busily eating and chatting, their brothers Alex and Tim sneaked into the bedroom. They took the puppets and hid them behind the wardrobe.
  After lunch, Kim and Sandra couldn’t find the puppets anywhere. They searched everywhere, but still the puppets were missing. meanwhile, Alex and Tim were playing outside. Kim and Sandra cried, because they would not be able to hand in their puppets the next day.
  In the morning, Tim remembered that they hadn’t returned the puppets to the girls. “Here are the puppets. I’m sorry we hid them yesterday,” Tim said. Grandma was very angry, “Don’t ever do that again!” she said. Kim and Sandra handed in their puppets and paper house to their teacher, and they got very good marks.




Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the universe who has given us the blessing, so we can live in this world well.
Peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad that has shown us from the dark way to the right way that is Islam religion.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honorable juries,
And dear audience.

As the Moslem generation, we have great responsibility to the future of religion and nation. Young generation is the only hope of the life of nation, the development and the decline of nations depends on them. And the victory and the destruction of religion and nation are on the hand of next generation. It's right what have been said by Islam philosopher Musthofa Al-Gholayain in the book Idhotun Nasyi'in reads :

(Ya Ma'syaros Shabab Inna fi aidikum khoirol ummah wa fi iqdamikum hayataha)
"Hi youth .... Surely all kinds of community's problem, in the success or not depend on your behavior .... and surely the development of religion, nation and country is on your shoulders".

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters,
But the reality speaks the contrary ....
Let's have a view a moment to the life of youth at the present time .... !!! Many of them like to waste their parents' wealth uselessly, many are drop-out of school that finally ending in a frustration. Many don't know their purpose of life that their life is compared with water on the leaf of taro. They are easily influenced and played. If the condition of youth like this, just fond of strong drink, morphine, opium and narcotic, how will the fate of nation in the future? I think the earth we live on is hotter and hotter. The clear sky changes to be dark, the tear of cry will never stop .... repenting the fate that tortures their nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters,
Surely, it's hard to live in this Millenium era. But as Moslem youth, we must not surrender and be desperate. Do the good and useful deeds.
Moslem generation should have motto:
– Being brave to live not afraid of dying.
– To be afraid of death, Never live.
– To be terrified to live, Pass away, please.
Convince ourselves that the help of Allah always accompanies us, He will always help us.

That's all. Thank you for your attention and I beg your pardon for all the lack of it
Finally I say:




Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the universe who has given us the blessing, so we can live in this world well.
Peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad that has shown us from the dark way to the right way that is Islam religion.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honorable juries,
And dear audience.

 In every day, in every month and in every year we must think of our parents. That is our obligation as a Moslem. But if we look at the condition now, we will find many deviations, especially in the behavior. We speak carelessly, rebel and even kill the parents. Parents treat and look after us with a good care but we think that parents have never loved and given affection to us.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
 We must repent and apologize to all our mistakes so that our patents receive and admit us again as their beloved child. They always miss us every time even though we have made many mistakes to them. That's why Islam laws states in our prophet hadits:

(Ridlollahu fi ridlol walidain, wasukhtullahi fi sukhthil walidain)

"The angry of parents indicates the angry of Allah and the willing of parents indicates the willing of ALLAH."

Ladies and Gentlemen,
 Knowing the warning from ALLAH in that hadits, we should realize and change our behavior to our parents. But reality is different. Many young people drink alcoholic beverage, and some others consume drugs and even some of them fell to the dark way by doing free sex. MasyaAllah .....

Do you know that our parents suffer?
Do you know that our parents love us?
Do you know that our parents cry?
Why do you hurt them?

Ya Allah help us ........

Ladies and Gentlemen,
 May Allah help us in our life by leading us to the good way. May Allah show us the right way in behaving to our parents. AMEN ....

 That's my speech, forgive me for the mistakes. Finally I say:


Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves

Ali Baba was such a poor man that he had only one shoe for his two feet. Even the mice in his house were hungry. One day, his wife said, “We have no food in the house. No rice. No potatoes. Go and collect leaves in the forest so that I can make soup.”

Ali was a lazy man. He looked for leaves for about ten minutes and then he climbed a tree to sleep. He was afraid of wolves. When he woke up he was surprised to see forty thieves on forty horses. He stopped in front of a big rock.

“Open Sesame!” shouted the leader. A door in the rock opened. The thieves carried sacks full of gold into the cave. When they had finished the leader shouted, “Close Sesame!” and the door closed.
As soon as the thieves had disappeared Ali Baba jumped down from the tree, said ‘Open Sesame’ and went into the cave. There were shelves all around the walls. The shelves were full of sacks. The sacks were full of gold. Ali took a sack home with him.

Unfortunately, one of the thieves saw Ali’s footprints on the sand. He followed them to Ali’s home. He took out his knife and made a cross on the door. “Now I shall know which house it is,” he said. Then, he rode off to get the other thieves. But Ali had seen the thief. He and his wife took brooms and swept away the footprints. Then he made crosses on every door in the street.

When the forty thieves arrived they had their knifes between their teeth. But they never found Ali or the gold. Ali and his wife lived happily ever after.


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